Seti Astro, a new source for PixInsight scripts

A few months ago, Franklin Marek launched a new website, called SetiAstro. Besides displaying his own astrophotography work, it is also the place where he publishes his newly developed PixInsight scripts. He started writing them only recently, but has been very productive so far. The scripts are mostly based around statistics, and deal with single well-defined tasks that many astrophotographers will encounter in many of their processing projects. The SetiAstro scripts are frequently updated and improved. Also new scripts are being released at a pretty high pace, making this a valuable resource for every PixInsight user to check out.

As of this writing, the list of scripts looks like this:

  • Star Stretch - Stretches linear stars-only image, while keeping colours vibrant.

  • Statistical Stretch - Stretches any non-linear image based on desired median value of the end result

  • NB to RGB Star Combination - Creates stars with naturally looking colour from narrowband stars-only images.

  • FindBackground - Automatic selection of a background area to be used in SPCC or BackgroundNeutralization.

  • Continuum Subtraction Utility - Creates a pure NB signal by subtracting the corresponding broadband signal, e.g. to add Ha to RGB images

The scripts are available free of charge and can be either downloaded from the website SetiAstro, or by adding the following url to the repository in PixInsight:

After the update process and installation of the scripts, they can be found under Script > SetiAstro. The scripts have informative tool-tips and each script comes with one or more instruction videos on YouTube.

In recent images, I have started to use some of his scripts and am very happy with the results and the ease of use.


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