
Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
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Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations


After a night of testing out guiding with the RST-135E mount, there was some time left to image a new target. M15, a globular cluster best visible in September, was just the perfect fit. One of the most dense globular clusters in our galaxy, with probably a black hole in its core.

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Messier, Cluster AstroWorldCreations Messier, Cluster AstroWorldCreations


A nice combination of two star clusters. M35, an open cluster in the constellation Gemini. Only a few hundred stars. The second cluster is NGC2158. It is much further away and therefore looks much smaller. Its old red stars make a nice contrast with the bright blue stars of M35, creating depth.

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Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations


One of the bigger and brighter globular clusters in the night sky, classified as M92 in the constellation Hercules. A look-alike of M13, but slightly smaller.

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