Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
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Sh2-229 | C31 - Flaming Star Nebula
IC405 is an interesting combination of both a reflection and emission nebula that emits strongly in H-alpha. The double-star AE Aurigae shines brightly in the middle and illuminates vast clouds of hydrogen gas.
Sh2-131 - Elephant’s Trunk
This combination of both emission nebula and dark nebula, referred to as NGC1396a has the characteristic form of an Elephant’s trunk. It is part of the much larger nebula NGC1396 in the constellation Cepheus.
Sh2-142 - Wizard Nebula
An open cluster of stars with the code NGC7380 is mostly known by their illumination of surrounding gas clouds. This so-called Wizard nebula is located in the constellation of Cepheus.
Sh2-162 | C11 - Bubble Nebula
The emission nebula NGC7635, also known as Bubble Nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia. The bubble is created by stellar wind from a massively hot star in the middle.
Sh2-275 | C49 - Rosette Nebula
The very large emission nebula NGC2237, also known as Rosette Nebula, is part of an even much larger area of nebulosity in the constellation Monoceros.
Sh2-184 - Pacman Nebula
The emission nebula NGC281 in the constellation Cassiopeia, named after the well known videogame character Pacman with which the resemblance is striking.
Sh2-105 | C27 - Crescent Nebula
The emission nebula NGC6888, also known as Crescent nebula, looks like a big brain-like structure surrounded by a lot of H-alpha emitting nebulosity.