
Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
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Galaxy, Arp AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Arp AstroWorldCreations


Arp84 is a beautiful, but very distorted system of two interacting galaxies, NGC5395 and NGC5394. It is one of 338 objects from the Atlas of Peculiar galaxies, produced by Halton Arp

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Galaxy, Caldwell AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Caldwell AstroWorldCreations

Caldwell 45

Caldwell 45 is a small galaxy in the constellation Boötes, art of the Virgo supercluster of galaxies. It is also known as NGC5248. This was an older dataset when processed, and calibration is not perfect, as is visible in the uneven background. But details in the galaxy have been fairly well capture.

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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

NGC5905, NGC5908

NGC5905 and NGC5908 are two neighbouring galaxies in the constellation Draco. They form a very nice contrast with NGC5905 being a beautiful spiral galaxy (SAb), that is visible face-on, while NGC5908 is a barred spiral galaxy (SBb) and visible edge-on view.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations


M61 is a beautiful ‘heads on’ spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo, as part of the Virgo cluster. This particular image is shot in LRGB, but a comparison is made between LRGB and RGB processing as well.

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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

M64 - Black Eye Galaxy

M64 is also known as the Black Eye Galaxy, because of its characteristic detailed center in an otherwise a smooth and amorphous looking galaxy. Other nicknames are ‘evil eye’ and ‘sleeping beauty’ galaxy. This was an old set of data that had still not be processed.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations


M96 is a beautiful galaxy in the Messier catalogue. Here an RGB image recorded during ‘Galaxy Season’.

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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

NGC4216, NGC4206, NGC4222

The Virgo cluster allows for some great galaxies to photograph. Here NGC4216 together with its neighbouring galaxies NGC4222 and NGC4206 in an RGB exposure. The second image from the remote observatory, with more han 20h of data collected over four nights.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M95 - First Light Remote Observatory

For the first light image with the new rig from the Remote Observatory, M95 was chosen as the subject. One of the smaller galaxies that should benefit from the large focal length, dark skies and good seeing. Still some aspects to work out, but so far off to a good start.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations


A four year old dataset of Messier 106 that was never published yet. Now processed using all the new AI-based tools available to astrophotographers today. In a much shorter time a much better result

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M74 - Phantom Galaxy

M74, also known as the Phantom Galaxy, is about 32 million light-years away from Earth. The galaxy contains two clearly defined spiral arms and is therefore used as an archetypal example of a grand design spiral galaxy.

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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

NGC2403 - Spiral Galaxy

A beautiful spiral galaxy, also known as ‘little M33’. Photographed in sessions two years apart, but all combined into one LRGB image, enhanced with H-alpha data indicating areas of active star formation within the galaxy.

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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

Markarian’s Chain

In the middle of a crowded area of galaxies, known as the Virgo Cluster, one can find a string of Galaxies, commonly known as Markarian’s Chain. Eight galaxies, including the rather bright elliptical galaxies M84 and M86 make up this remarkable object.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M31 - Andromeda Galaxy

The galaxy of all galaxies, M31, or Andromeda galaxy. Our neighbour in the universe, at 2.5 million lightyears from Earth. Here photographed in exceptional high resolution of 100 megapixel.

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Galaxy, Messier, Arp AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier, Arp AstroWorldCreations

M101 | Arp26 - Pinwheel Galaxy

The spiral galaxy M101, or Pinwheel Galaxy, is one of the larger galaxies visible. Its face-on position and its visibility all year round, makes it a great target for any Astrophotographer. Adding H-alpha data to the LRGB image highlights the star-forming areas.

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