SNR-based exposure calculation tool

The question ‘how long do I need to expose my images’ is often asked on the various forums. A new tool has been developed to answer this question based on a target SNR ratio. While the tool is new, the theory and calculations behind it are not. They are based on the articles that Craig Stark posted on CloudyNights back in 2009 already.

The tool is developed by Mark Lowry from Deep Sky Detail. In his YouTube video he explains in detail how to use the tool. It is a web-based application and requires inputs of some image statistics from a Light, Dark and Bias frame, as well as some camera parameters typically published on the camera manufacturer’s website. You can set a target SNR (30 is mediocre, 90 is excellent) and the application calculates # of exposure and total exposure.

A nice aspect of the tool is that you can experiment a bit with different camera settings and explore the effect of total required exposure.

The tool can be found here, and is free to use. Donations are optional.


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