
Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

NGC5905, NGC5908

NGC5905 and NGC5908 are two neighbouring galaxies in the constellation Draco. They form a very nice contrast with NGC5905 being a beautiful spiral galaxy (SAb), that is visible face-on, while NGC5908 is a barred spiral galaxy (SBb) and visible edge-on view.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations


M61 is a beautiful ‘heads on’ spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo, as part of the Virgo cluster. This particular image is shot in LRGB, but a comparison is made between LRGB and RGB processing as well.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M64 - Black Eye Galaxy

M64 is also known as the Black Eye Galaxy, because of its characteristic detailed center in an otherwise a smooth and amorphous looking galaxy. Other nicknames are ‘evil eye’ and ‘sleeping beauty’ galaxy. This was an old set of data that had still not be processed.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations


M96 is a beautiful galaxy in the Messier catalogue. Here an RGB image recorded during ‘Galaxy Season’.

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Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations


As a globular cluster from the Messier catalogue, M9 is a bit of a tricky target to image at the Northern Hemisphere. From my location it never rises above 34° altitude. Some short bursts of shots were collected over several nights to create this image.

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Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations


Globular Clusters are dense concentrations of stars within our own Milky Way galaxy. Messier 5 is a beautiful example of how dense such a cluster can be. Here an image photographed using only RGB broadband filters.

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Galaxy AstroWorldCreations Galaxy AstroWorldCreations

NGC4216, NGC4206, NGC4222

The Virgo cluster allows for some great galaxies to photograph. Here NGC4216 together with its neighbouring galaxies NGC4222 and NGC4206 in an RGB exposure. The second image from the remote observatory, with more han 20h of data collected over four nights.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M95 - First Light Remote Observatory

For the first light image with the new rig from the Remote Observatory, M95 was chosen as the subject. One of the smaller galaxies that should benefit from the large focal length, dark skies and good seeing. Still some aspects to work out, but so far off to a good start.

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Nebula AstroWorldCreations Nebula AstroWorldCreations

IC59, IC63 - Gamma Cassiopeia Nebulae

A tricky target to image. The super bright star Gamma Cassiopeia, surrounded by the hydrogen-rich but faint nebulae IC59 and IC63. A combination of broadband and narrowband images allowed capturing both aspects.

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Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations Galaxy, Messier AstroWorldCreations


A four year old dataset of Messier 106 that was never published yet. Now processed using all the new AI-based tools available to astrophotographers today. In a much shorter time a much better result

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Nebula, Sharpless AstroWorldCreations Nebula, Sharpless AstroWorldCreations

Sh2-117 - Pelican Nebula

The Pelican Nebula (IC5070) is a direct neighbour of the North American Nebula (NGC7000). In this image both are photographed together, using a dual-band narrowband filter on an One-Shot-Colour camera, using a small travel rig.

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Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations Cluster, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M45 - Pleiades

M45 is a well-known object in the night sky. The large bright blue stars and the surrounding illuminated clouds make for an attractive target. While traveling this was a perfect object to photograph with the recently assembled 60mm travel rig.

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Solar System AstroWorldCreations Solar System AstroWorldCreations

Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura)

An exciting object on the very early morning horizon in August/September 2023, comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura. A very short observation window unfortunately, due to its close proximity to the sun. But just enough to make a half hour image of this fast traveller through our solar system.

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Nebula, Sharpless AstroWorldCreations Nebula, Sharpless AstroWorldCreations

Sh2-252 - Monkey Head Nebula

The Monkey Head Nebula is a very nice narrowband target for when the moon is out. Located in the constellation of Orion, this is a typical winter target. While clouds interfered a lot with the imaging, over several nights about 7h of exposure could be gathered for this image.

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Nebula, Messier AstroWorldCreations Nebula, Messier AstroWorldCreations

M16 - Eagle Nebula

A new travel rig was put together and first light was used to image M16, the Eagle nebula. This is a low summer target and only half an hour of data could be gathered. But the travel setup worked well and holds a lot of promise for the future.

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