Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
Use the filter section on the right to select the objects of interest
IC-434 - Horsehead Nebula
IC434 is better known as the horse-head nebula and one of the most well-known nebulae at the night sky. The image here contains just over 2h of exposure, taken using a travel rig during a trip to Scotland. Updates to the travel rig had been applied, the most notable being that it is now run using Stellarmate on an iPad mini.
NGC884, NGC869
A beautiful double cluster of NGC884 and NGC869 in the constellation Perseus. These objects are pretty bright and were already discovered by the ancient Greeks. Here captured using an OSC camera.
Sh2-117 - Pelican Nebula
The Pelican Nebula (IC5070) is a direct neighbour of the North American Nebula (NGC7000). In this image both are photographed together, using a dual-band narrowband filter on an One-Shot-Colour camera, using a small travel rig.
M45 - Pleiades
M45 is a well-known object in the night sky. The large bright blue stars and the surrounding illuminated clouds make for an attractive target. While traveling this was a perfect object to photograph with the recently assembled 60mm travel rig.
Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura)
An exciting object on the very early morning horizon in August/September 2023, comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura. A very short observation window unfortunately, due to its close proximity to the sun. But just enough to make a half hour image of this fast traveller through our solar system.
M16 - Eagle Nebula
A new travel rig was put together and first light was used to image M16, the Eagle nebula. This is a low summer target and only half an hour of data could be gathered. But the travel setup worked well and holds a lot of promise for the future.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 2/2
On 01 February the comet reached its closest proximity to Earth. A few hours of clear skies allowed to capture this moment as a second image
NGC2264 - Cone Nebula
A wide-field image of NGC2264, or Cone Nebula, embedded in lots of hydrogen-alpha regions. Next to the actual cone is the Christmas Tree star cluster, illuminating the surrounding gasses to emit bright blue OIII signal.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 1/2
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is one of the brighter comets this year. It is still increasing in brightness, and while not likely, it could still possibly become visible with the naked eye. This post describes the image itself and also contains an animation of the comet moving across the backdrop of the stars.
On the very first night testing out the new Mewlon-180c, some short videos were shot of the Moon. After processing the video-files using the new software PlanetarySystemStacker, this moon image came out. Certainly a motivation to do a lot more moon photography and test the Mewlon on some of the planets.
M13 - Hercules Cluster
M13, or the Hercules Cluster, is a relatively small, but densely packed globular cluster. A perfect target to test out a new long focal length telescope, the Takahashi Mewlon 180c, in combination with the QHY268c, an APS-C sized OSC camera.
C/2021-A1 Comet Leonard
Bright comets are seldom appearances in our solar system. Comet Leonard was one of the most striking examples this year. Just days before it would become at its brightest and before it would cross the ecliptic, this image was shot in the early morning hours.