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New Takahashi Ortho Extenders 2x/4x
Takahashi has launched two Ortho Extender sets (2x and 4x). They are compatible with most Takahashi telescopes and serve as alternatives to Barlow lenses for viewing or imaging the moon, sun, and planets.

Astrobin starts Marketplace
Astrobin, the well known hosting site for astro images, just started a Marketplace. Any Astrobin user can list his/her astrogear that is for sale.

Dovetail Clamp and Powerbox in one device
A new device from Pegasus Astro combines a dovetail clamp and powerbox into one. An interesting option to improve cable management without adding extra boxes on the rig.

New Player One Cooled DSO Cameras
The Zeus (full frame) and Poseidon (APS-C) are Player One’s entry into the market of cooled astrophotography cameras. Familiar sensors in an innovative package

Uranus Meteo Station available
The Pegasus Astro Uranus Meteo Sensor has finally started shipping. This 3-in-1 design captures meteo, sky quality and GPS data. It can be used hand-held or with your favourite astrophotography software.

New ZWO planetary camera’s
A total of 4 (!) new ZWO-ASI planetary cameras have been announced, one monochrome and three OSC. All new cameras benefit from the latest in sensor technology, resulting in zero amp-glow.