Articles on workflow and processing, experiences with equipment, or just general stories related to astronomy or astrophotography.

Web-site launch
After three years of astrophotography, finally here is the launch of my website AstroWorldCreations. Descriptions of images, equipment, workflows and regular updates with new images and blog-posts.

An easy way to make a horizon profile
Making a horizon profile for your favourite planetarium program or mountmodelling program such as MountWizzard can be tedious. Here is a simple method to make this work a lot easier.

ASI6200MM Pro - First Impressions
The observatory has been upgraded with the ASI6200MM Pro full frame camera. In this blog you can read first impressions, and of course a first light image.

Updating UTC/Earth rotation data
Approximately twice each year, the 10Micron mounts need to be updated with new data on UTC/Earth rotation. This is a simple process, but with some counterintuitive steps. This blog describes in three simple steps how to perform the update.

Noise Reduction using MMT
There are many ways to reduce the noise in an image. MultiscaleMedianTransform (MMT) provides a straightforward approach that gives very good results most of the time.

A fast way to make a PSF-image
Making a PSF image for the deconvolution process can be very time consuming. With this script, most of the process is automated, which saves a lot of time.

How to manage your files
In this blog we look at some potential workflows on how to manage, name, store and backup the sometimes hundreds of images that are often collected for one final photograph.

A 40 meter telescope in your backyard
We’re on a turning point in history when it comes to optical telescopes. Within the next decade, three mega-telescopes will be completed that have more resolution than any of the current and future space telescopes. A presentation as prepared for the local Astronomical Society.