Articles on workflow and processing, experiences with equipment, or just general stories related to astronomy or astrophotography.

Moving to a Remote Hosting Site - Part 4: Installation
After six years of imaging from my backyard, the decision was made to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along on this journey. Part 1 is about goals, site selection and hard- and software. Part 2 is about design and remote controlling tools while in part 3 everything was put together and tested. This Part 4 is all about moving to and installation at the remote site, calibration and first light.

Moving to a Remote Hosting Site - Part 3: Ready to Ship
After six years of imaging from my backyard, the decision was made to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along on this journey. Part 1 described the goals, site selection and general considerations around software and hardware. Part 2 focused on the design and tools used to control the rig and how to do that remotely. Part 3 will show how everything has been built and tested. The system is now ready to be shipped.

Moving to a Remote Hosting site - Part 2: Command and Control
After six years of imaging from my backyard, the decision was made to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along this journey into the unknown. Part 1 was about goals and site selection. Part 2 describes the design and tools used to control the rig and how to do that remotely.

Moving to a Remote Hosting site - Part 1
After six years of imaging from my backyard, I have decided to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along on this journey. Part 1 describes the reasons behind the decision, the selection of a hosting site, goals and some higher level consequences for software and equipment.

Creating Horizon files made easy. Astroplanner example
Making a horizon file can be labour intensive. With this app, the task is made a lot easier. In this example the information is used to create a horizon file for Astroplanner, the very versatile application to plan and record observations and imaging sessions

An easy way to make a horizon profile
Making a horizon profile for your favourite planetarium program or mountmodelling program such as MountWizzard can be tedious. Here is a simple method to make this work a lot easier.

How to manage your files
In this blog we look at some potential workflows on how to manage, name, store and backup the sometimes hundreds of images that are often collected for one final photograph.