Articles on workflow and processing, experiences with equipment, or just general stories related to astronomy or astrophotography.

Year in Summary 2024
The year 2024 marked a significant change in my astrophotography hobby, by moving one of my setups to a remote hosting facility in Spain. This resulted in an almost 10-fold increase in activity and 39 published images. Check out this blog for the details.

Moving to a Remote Hosting Site - Part 4: Installation
After six years of imaging from my backyard, the decision was made to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along on this journey. Part 1 is about goals, site selection and hard- and software. Part 2 is about design and remote controlling tools while in part 3 everything was put together and tested. This Part 4 is all about moving to and installation at the remote site, calibration and first light.

Moving to a Remote Hosting Site - Part 3: Ready to Ship
After six years of imaging from my backyard, the decision was made to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along on this journey. Part 1 described the goals, site selection and general considerations around software and hardware. Part 2 focused on the design and tools used to control the rig and how to do that remotely. Part 3 will show how everything has been built and tested. The system is now ready to be shipped.

Moving to a Remote Hosting site - Part 2: Command and Control
After six years of imaging from my backyard, the decision was made to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along this journey into the unknown. Part 1 was about goals and site selection. Part 2 describes the design and tools used to control the rig and how to do that remotely.

Moving to a Remote Hosting site - Part 1
After six years of imaging from my backyard, I have decided to move one of the rigs to a remote hosting site. In a number of blog-posts you can follow along on this journey. Part 1 describes the reasons behind the decision, the selection of a hosting site, goals and some higher level consequences for software and equipment.

Creating Horizon files made easy. Astroplanner example
Making a horizon file can be labour intensive. With this app, the task is made a lot easier. In this example the information is used to create a horizon file for Astroplanner, the very versatile application to plan and record observations and imaging sessions