Articles on workflow and processing, experiences with equipment, or just general stories related to astronomy or astrophotography.

Apple Silicon and legacy command-line software
The new M1 Macs are a marvel when it comes to performance and power usage. But running legacy command-line software, such as Mountwizzard 4, can be a challenge. Luckily there is an easy workaround

Tilt Correction with the Gerd Neumann CTU
Bigger camera sensors and faster telescopes can result in partial unsharp images due to sensor-tilt. This blog describes the installation of a Camera Tilting Unit in the optical train, with good success to eliminate the sensor tilt.

Nova discovered in Cassiopeia
A new nova (V1405 Cas) has been discovered in Cassiopeia. Bright novae are relatively rare, and may not last too long, so if there is an opportunity, now is the time to photograph it.

Six most important improvements in WBPP 2.0
The WeightedBatchPreProcessing script in PixInsight has been an invaluable tool to calibrate frames. The recently released version 2 is a massive update with a lot more customisation options and transparency. Read here about the six biggest improvements.

The ASI6200MM Pro - First Light
After an initial first impressions review of the new ASI6200MM Pro camera, weather situations were finally allowing some proper imaging. Read how the real-world experience with this camera has been during its First Light (spoiler alert: very good).