Galactic objects and solar system elements in the form of final images.
Use the filter section on the right to select the objects of interest
NGC884, NGC869
A beautiful double cluster of NGC884 and NGC869 in the constellation Perseus. These objects are pretty bright and were already discovered by the ancient Greeks. Here captured using an OSC camera.
IC59, IC63 - Gamma Cassiopeia Nebulae
A tricky target to image. The super bright star Gamma Cassiopeia, surrounded by the hydrogen-rich but faint nebulae IC59 and IC63. A combination of broadband and narrowband images allowed capturing both aspects.
Sh2-220 - California Nebula
NGC1499 (California Nebula), an emission nebula located in the constellation Perseus is a very large and colourful target when photographed in narrow-band. Here an SHO image of long exposure to bring out some of the very faint blue OIII signal.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 2/2
On 01 February the comet reached its closest proximity to Earth. A few hours of clear skies allowed to capture this moment as a second image
NGC2264 - Cone Nebula
A wide-field image of NGC2264, or Cone Nebula, embedded in lots of hydrogen-alpha regions. Next to the actual cone is the Christmas Tree star cluster, illuminating the surrounding gasses to emit bright blue OIII signal.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 1/2
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is one of the brighter comets this year. It is still increasing in brightness, and while not likely, it could still possibly become visible with the naked eye. This post describes the image itself and also contains an animation of the comet moving across the backdrop of the stars.
Sh2-248 - Jellyfish Nebula
The beautiful Jellyfish nebula (IC443) in the constellation Gemini. Here in a wide-field shot together with reflection nebula IC444. The narrow-band images are processed in the SHO Hubble palette.
NGC7822 - Cederblad 214
In the constellation Cepheus this large area of nebulosity can be found with a massive star, 100,000 times bigger than our Sun, in the center that lights up the whole cloud. The nebula is registered as NGC7822.
Sh2-240 - Spaghetti Nebula
Sh2-240, also known as the Spaghetti Nebula is a very large and faint object that requires long exposures with a wide-field telescope. A reducer on the FSQ-106 in combination with full-frame camera and > 17h of exposure resulted in the following image.
C/2021-A1 Comet Leonard
Bright comets are seldom appearances in our solar system. Comet Leonard was one of the most striking examples this year. Just days before it would become at its brightest and before it would cross the ecliptic, this image was shot in the early morning hours.
Caldwell 34 - Veil Nebula
The Veil Nebula in HOO was chosen as the first object to photograph using the new RST-135E mount. This ultra-portable mount is super-easy to setup and can be used without counterweights or balancing. First light and lessons learned on a beautiful target.
Sh2-190 - Heart and Soul Nebulae
A new reducer for the FSQ-106 turned the scope into a 380mm at f/3,6 astrograph. Together with the ASI6200MM a perfect combination to photograph the beautiful Heart and Soul Nebulae in narrowband.
Sh2-129 - Flying Bat and Squid Nebula
Recently (2011) the Flying Squid Nebula has been discovered right within the Flying Bat Nebula (Sh2-129). The very weak OIII object is hard to image and with almost 30h of total exposure this has been one of the most challenging objects so far.
Sh2-229 | C31 - Flaming Star Nebula
IC405 is an interesting combination of both a reflection and emission nebula that emits strongly in H-alpha. The double-star AE Aurigae shines brightly in the middle and illuminates vast clouds of hydrogen gas.
Sh2-275 | C49 - Rosette Nebula
The very large emission nebula NGC2237, also known as Rosette Nebula, is part of an even much larger area of nebulosity in the constellation Monoceros.